Pay it forward

Do you know someone who really needs a holiday but can't afford it?

Otter June 18, 2023 at 4:32 pm
Pledged of £300 goal
Days Left
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Project Ends on December 31, 2024
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Please share with your networks or with people you think might want to invest or help

Having the time and space for rest and leisure is something that we all need, but not something that we all have access to. With high costs of travel and accommodation and the demanding hours, low pay and limited holiday allowance of many jobs, rest time is treated as a luxury when it should be a given!

This is why we are offering a Pay-It-Forward Holiday option.
We already charge much less than commercial rates to stay at Rubha Phoil, but we realise that these are still not affordable to all.

With this Pay-it-Forward Holiday, we hope to be able to provide cheap or free holidays to low income families and individuals who really need it, so that more people can access the benefits of a rest period in a beautiful environment like Rubha Phoil on the Isle of Skye.

Maybe you would like to nominate someone who really needs a holiday?

Benefits of a Holiday at Rubha Phoil
WHAT we offer:
Learn about permaculture [define + 3 principles], as well as practical ways to bring this system back to your home community.
Become immersed in the beautiful, world-renowned landscape of the Isle of Skye,

WHO is it for?
Families with children of all ages (permaculture is easily digestible for the youngest and eldest family members!)
Student groups (including university groups)
Essential workers
People from minorities or who are disadvantaged in any way.
How does this pay-it-forward program work?

You can become a member of the program by donating at the bottom of this page and sharing the page on your networks. As you can see, we have a £300 goal. This pays for a week-long holiday for one person in one of our lovely cabins. Every time we fill up the pot, an innocent hand will pick a person/family to receive the holiday package in the form of a gift card that they can redeem at any time.
Then we will start the fundraiser again!

How do we choose who receives the holiday? Our members get to choose! When you donate to and share the crowdfunder, you can nominate someone you think would benefit from this program. We will add their name to a ‘raffle’ of nominees from which we will choose at random once the £300 pot is full.

You do not need to give any personal details of the people you nominate; if they are selected, we will send you with a ‘voucher’ you can pass on. They can fill it in and send it to us to be added to the lucky dip, at their own convenience.

If you don’t want to leave it to chance, you can buy a whole holiday for someone in our Virtual Village. There, you can choose from a range of different holidays, and give one straight to the people you think could benefit from it.

If you can’t afford to buy a holiday for yourself or for someone you love, you are welcome to ask us to create a fundraiser for you on this website.

Terms and conditions:

Everyone needs to go through a brief screening process. This is a simple case of reading our safe space policies and answering a few (non-invasive) questions.
Everyone needs to step into a conduct agreement with us to help create a really safe space for everyone who lives and visits our Rock.
You can’t nominate yourself to win a holiday. You can only nominate someone else.

Please share with your networks or with people you think might want to invest or help